Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A great day

I cant find casualty but luckily that i got many friend.....they really help me a lot just now....i love them....

A funny thing happen, kim ling is absent today so we called her but her bro answered the call...we tot that is her mum so oja said " hello, auntie ar..? is kim ling in house" ....     wahahaha

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Create这个blog是想把心事写在这里。。。我从来都不会把心事完完全全的告诉任何人因为我相信在这个世界没有人是可以全的可靠,又因为是我不想别人觉得我的性格很恐怖我今年做了一点亏心事所以在这里我想跟一人说一声对不起, 我不知道哪天你看到我是故意避开我还是有什么原因但把你弄成这样我很不好意思但是如果不是你先来惹我的话,我也不会这样害你。真的真的很对不起。但我知道我们不可能在做朋友了。对不起啊。。。。。。。。。。。